Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Salt, Tequila, Lime

This weekend was so much fun! I have not had so much fun since before I was pregnant! Dave and I went to Lynchburg college to visit my best friend, Chandler, for her 21st birthday. It was nice feeling like I was in college again and did not have any "care" in the world. However, I did miss Lila a lot! Now that I am a mom, there isn't a moment I do not think about that little baby!

We are on our way home right now, so I will be seeing her shortly. So excited! This was the first weeked I have been away from her. I did not realize how much I needed time away, until I actually went away. It was nice not having to look at the clock to see if it was time for food or a nap. I definitely enjoyed being away for a weekend, but it will be awhile until I do it again. I just enjoy doing everything with her or as a family so much!

Friday we got to Lynchburg around 11:30pm. Silly me figured we would chill and go to sleep.... Well mommy forgot about
how college worked. We walked in and were welcomed with a shot and played "stump" within 15 minutes of getting there (not that I minded!)

This time, being able to drink was different for me. I felt like it was my birthday again (finally.) When you have been waiting for your best friend to turn 21 it is like you can finally celebrate together on her birthday! It was so fun!

Of course when I drink at night, I end up always waking up early. So both days chandler and I were up and waited a couple of hours for David to wake up. We went to a movie during the day Saturday (only $1 woo!), dinner with Chan and a bunch of friends, and finally ended up partying back at their townhouse.

This morning we also woke up early. Instead of chilling at home our last day, we went to panera and had breakfast and coffee, went on a 3 mile walk, and enjoyed cookout!

On our walk today

On our way home we stopped to grab something for dinner near Washington. Of course my gps thinks that I want to go to a mall to eat... So we decided to get out for a little to stretch our legs and grab something quick. Well we ended up at Tyson's corner center.... Hello mall! This mall was HUGE AND AMAZING. I have never seen anything like it. I would bet on atleast 5 famous people being there tonight. So naturally on our way out I told Dave we should drive around in the parking garage and find the most expensive cars. Haha!

So I would say this weekend was a success. Back to poopy diapers.

So long, VA
Hello, MD


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