Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'm Guilty..

Have any of you put your child to bed almost 2 hours early because YOU are exhausted? I am so guilty of that tonight.. My child is turning into two HUGE handfuls, and I only have two tiny hands. She is always one step ahead of me!! If I do not have a bikini body by summer I will be shocked! I am going to come out with a workout plan for all women..You ready? Here it is: Have a Baby and wait 15 Months. TADA! I do love her to death, but its just a lot of work!

I decided to make homemade marinara meat sauce, and thank God there is a cabinet of bowls right behind where I stand. It kept her busy the entire time. I even taught her how to stir the spoon and then (pretend) taste. It was so funny! She ended up stirring every time and then handing the spoon to me to taste. 

Today we went on a walk down to see the horses! I was so excited when I saw that they were all out, and extremely close to the fence. I was even able to pet one! I totally forgot to take photos because a man had pulled over to see the horse and we talked for a while. Maybe tomorrow we will try again. They are so beautiful!!!! 

Before we went for our walk I snapped a few photos of Lila because it was SO nice outside. 

Lila "Diva" Steppe

I will probably write more after this weekend because it's Easter!!!! And the Easter bunny has a lot to do before Easter! ;)


Sunday, March 29, 2015

"That" Parent..

I have survived! My wisdom tooth is out and I only needed about a half of a day to recuperate. Yeah, it still hurts, but Lila does not give me much time to think about that! She is MORE than a handful recently. With walking, "talking", and pointing, my days as a sane person are long gone. 

We have had quite a busy weekend..Visiting Oma and Poppy, watching the ending to David's rock climbing competition (he won 1st!!), visiting the Easter bunny, and lastly visiting Mimi and Pops. 

Dave's climbing competition. Woo! I'm not a huge fan of rock climbing, but he is pretty darn good and im glad we could see him win!!

So most people think it when children/babies are screaming in public...SHUT THAT KID UP!! However, when you become a parent, I think we all understand. Yeah, kids will start screaming and they do not care who hears it! When I hear screaming, I think to myself, at least its not mine! I usually walk by with my "perfect" (at the moment) little child, and thank God that I am not "that" parent. 

Well, ladies and gents,  I was "that" parent today. Knock on wood, we usually never have issues in public with Lila. She loves being out and is pretty cooperative. Well today we took her to see the Easter bunny! Right when we brought her over to put her on his lap, she clung to David and SCREAMED. Dave could not get her off of him. I finally took her and tried sitting on Mr. Bunny's lap. She was not having it!!!!! Of course the line was starting to grow and grow. So embarrassing! Finally we all sat down, though she was still very upset, and I moved her hand out of her mouth..this is the shot they got. I was shocked. That little faker! She is never going to know what she put us through looking at this picture one day!!!! Thankfully I have this blog :) 

Here is a photo from today baking Easter cookies with Mimi.. Lila probably had about 5. Don't worry. I made it up for it at home making a nice smoothie with about 500 fruits and veggies. 

I would write more but I have a candle burning, a book that is calling my name, and a nice full night sleep awaiting me. 

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I have more wisdom today than I will tomorrow

I found out today that I will be getting one of my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. 

I'm terrified because they will be only numbing my mouth to do the procedure... Which means I will be totally awake while they hammer away at my tooth (a little dramatic but whatever). 

They prescribed me medicine to help with my nerves because I am so scared!!!

Only good thing coming from this is that I might actually lose some weight-so obviously I cheated on my diet tonight. Oh well. 

Here are some recent photos of lila..
Helping me workout, playing with raggedy Ann, and loving her Easter eggs. 

I'm off to bed because I am feeling a little sleepy now.. Zzzzzzzzzzz

Wish me luck.. 


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Super Mom

Do any of you ever have one of those days where you just say "Wow. Today I was awesome. Good job." Well. I rarely ever say that. However, I am sitting on my bed now and I said it. I did a ton today. Not even just today..mostly tonight. I came home from visiting my mom and got really motivated to clean. I clean every night because I have to, but tonight was different. I was sick of looking at all of the clothes I never wear, but keep because I barely have clothes that fit or that I like. I honestly think that I keep the clothes that I will never wear again because I like to huff and puff to myself while looking through all of them. If I put them all away, down in the basement, I would have nothing at all in my drawers or closet. That would be really pathetic. Well. Tonight I did it. I made a massive pile of all of the winter clothes I got out in fall that I never put on once. It felt better than I thought. Now the closet is a little less cluttered, and I can look through all of the clothes that I might possibly put on. 

Not only did I do all of that in less than two hours, but I did laundry, cleaned Lila's room, vacuumed, and blogged :)


Tonight I am a very proud mommy. Yes, Lila has taken steps, but tonight was different. My mom was on the kitchen floor playing with Lila when she told me to look over. Lila was walking to her to get the remote. Not only did she do it once, but she did it over and over, back and forth. She would even turn and walk. We were all shocked. Lila is not one to be motivated enough to get up and walk. She would rather get from point a to point b the fastest way, crawling. No one knew when Lila would be ready to do it herself. She has a mind of her own. 

Here are a few pictures of us today baking Italian Easter cookies. 

We have church in the morning, so I have to run! 

Ta Ta 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Lila's first zoo trip!

Yes, I do have an excuse of why I have not been blogging. 

1. I do not have a whole lot to write about right now, and I do not want to bore anyone.

2. Lila and I have had a pretty nasty cold.

So..When Dave told me his Spring Break was coming up, I really wanted to do something fun as a family. We spend some time at home together, but rarely get to go out just us three and do fun things. My first thought was the zoo! Lila is a little young to go to the zoo, but this kid LOVES animals. She definitely has a love for them just like her dad. Lila has been really curious too; pointing and Ah-ing over everything. 

One of Lila's favorite books is "Hello Baby". It basically has a zoo animal on every page. So I realized that I had it in the diaper bag and started going through each of the pages as we passed the animal. 





..and Elephant.

I am really glad I did this because she LOVES the book. It blows my mind though because there are no bright colors at all. They are just pictures of animals!

Now I know some may say its a waste of money to go to the zoo while she is so young..and yes, she will not ever remember, but we will! Dave and I will always remember this day. We had so much fun and I will never forget how happy she was! 

I was actually able to get in the pic! 

 Our little penguin

We even got her a little "Maryland zoo" hat for the summer. 

I would say it was a pretty awesome day. That night I went out for drinks with my mom (and drank a little too much-but much needed) while Lila stayed with my in laws! Then all day today we hung out with David's family/shopped for mine and Lila's Easter outfits (glad that's over) and ended the night with his family taking us to Chili's! I am honestly glad that Dave's break is almost over. I am ready for his school year to finish, and for summer to begin!!! 

Oh and snow...I am hoping we are through now. You have visited enough, and now you are annoying. Obviously no one told you it was Spring. Well I am telling you now! I don't want to see you until next winter! 

Oh and I should have some new healthy recipes coming next week! I have been doing pretty well on my diet and exercising! 

Now it is time for me to relax! See you all later!


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Awake and NOT happy

I really do think its true that children sense when their parents are calm... 

I am at my moms house "house sitting", so lila and I are in the same room sleeping (she's in the pack n play). Of course I come into the room making a ton of racket, and she doesn't even flinch. She waits until I am thirty minutes into my sleep...

Lila totally gets her waking up habit from me. When we both wake up, there is rarely the whole stretch, lay there awake, and relax.. Nope. It's like we were drinking coffee in our sleep. Get right up and happy, happy, happy. 

So back to my story. Lila wakes up and I hear her jump right up and start saying "ah" through her binky. I knew by the sound, there was no way she would go back to sleep right away. I got her up, sat her up next to me in bed and tried to not act happy and awake. I eventually got back up, rocked her for a minute and realized she was asleep.. Whaaaaa?! 

Thank God. Well guess what..

Now I am awake.